Before we lost the footage that we had previously filmed we booked time in our school's drama studio to film some of the backdrop drops with better lighting, and then we unfortunately lost our footage, therefore it was lucky that we had booked the studio early as it was now in high demand.
As soon as our time slot started we went in and started preparing the studio ready to go for when our cast came, allowing us to start filming straight away.
Louise, Stephanie and myself starting setting up the studio while Evie went and collected cast and costumes - this made use of our time more productively as we had several things going on at once.
We used large safety pins to attach our self made fabric flags to the curtains, this allowed us the flexibility to put the flag however we liked. Our school's technician then lit up both flags, lighting the flags separately to where the people where in front of them. We had to use Stephanie as the person in front, just so we could see how we like the flags to be lit. It took a while to decide the exact lighting, but we were fully happy with how it looked at the end.
We then decided that it would be beneficial for the cast and ourselves for them to hear the music at a decent volume whilst filming, the technician kindly helped us our with a cable that connected to the main speaker systems, this gave us the ability to play our music where exactly how we wanted.
Evie then came back with our cast and clothing, and we could get to setting up our main character while the girls got ready changing into their costumes
A few shots from when filming:
As soon as we had finished filming, everyone started to get changed and clear up the studio and as I was the only one not in costume, I uploaded our footage straight to the school computers so there would be no chance that we could lose the footage if someone else used the camera.
Overall it was a good second day of filming and we got a whole variety of shots and footage which will give us a lot to choose from when we come to edit our music video.
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