Friday 17 June 2011

Production Tips


  • Variety of shots - having a variety of shots keeps the music video entertaining and interesting, that way the audience won't get bored of what they are watching.
  • Cut to the best of the song - cutting to the beat of the song is a typical convention of a music video therefore to make the video a music video this is necessary 
  • Video relative to genre - this is important as the music video shows the image of the artist, if the artist is going for a hard image, they can't have a soft video as their audience won't understand. 
  • Relevant cast - casting is important to make sure the video has the maximum effect, casting someone that doesn't fit the music video idea won't make the video look good. 
  • Narrative -having a narrative makes the music video more interesting and allows the audience to understand the song better, and the artist.
  • Different settings - having different settings also allows the audience to stay entertained and interested in the music video.
  • Lip syncing in time - lip syncing in time to the song is key to make the video look profession - if the lip syncing is out of time the video won't look good.
  • Appeal to Target Audience - the target audience is the people who will watch the video, therefore if the video doesn't appeal to them, they won't watch it.


  • Wear school uniform - wearing school uniform in the music video makes the video look unprofessional, even if the characters in the music video are supposed to be wearing uniform, making the effort to find another specific school uniform outfit will make the music video look that much better.
  • Shoot in/around school area - shooting in and around school is such a familiar and easy setting, this shows very little effort from the group to find a location, once again even if the music video is set in a school, the group should make effort to find a location somewhere else to keep it interesting.
  • Hold shots for too long - in a music video it is essential that there are a variety of shots that don't last too long in order for the audience to remain interested.