Thursday 30 June 2011

Research on Music Video's


Chase n Status - 'Let You Go'
Chase n status - Let You Go, uses some typical conventions such as it uses a narrative to tell a story that it fits the song, however it doesn't use performance and the artist does not feature in the video. Throughout the song there is dialogue to tell a story, this interupts the song and this isn't usual for a music video. The video is cut to the beat, as when the tempo gets faster quick cuts are used, this is also represented at the begining of the video as it is slow tempo and the camera movement is slowly zooming in, and the shot is held for 12 seconds. No lip syncing or direct contact is used withing the video as it is centred around an ironic situation and can also be seen as offensive to some people. The typical convention which is obvious is that the music video is 3-4 minutes long. 


Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
Bruno Mars  The Lazy song, goes against typical conventions, for example the whole video is filmed as if it is a webcam, and so it is one consistent medium shot, which is very out of the ordinary for music videos, as with varying shots it keeps the music video from now being boring, however as there is alot of choreogrpahy and a comedic effect it keeps the audience entertained. This also relates to that the video isnt cut to the beat of the song as there has been no obvious editing technique used. The music video is all performance with no narrative however it includes a full dance routine in a 'living room' setting.However, one convention used within this video is that you can tell the style of the music through the images seen, as in this video you would be able to tell that it is a light hearted medium tempo and relaxed song. Lastly, another convention used is that the video is 3 and a half minutes, so it is within time keeping of conventional music videos.