Thursday 30 June 2011

Research on Music Videos 2


Justin Bieber ft Chris Brown - Next to you
'Next to you' does and doesn't follow the conventions of a music video for example it has a narrative, which directly relates to the lyrics - we also see performances from the artists which most video's now have. The video starts with some dialogue, this could show it not following conventions although many video's are now starting to do this. The video is cut to the beat, with a large range of shots being used - the opening shots are very slow as the mood is quite calm, but once the beat starts to pick up the editing is much faster with some shaky shots to add to the effect. Although the editing is quite fast, the mise en scene is still shown very well by the different type of shots used. At 4.34 the narrative picks up, and quick fast shots are used to show what is happening, this isn't a usual video convention. Lip syncing is used during the performance parts, and the artists occasionally look into the camera, to make the performance more personal. Finally, a typical music video would last 3-4minutes, however 'Next to You' challenges this by lasting 6.04minutes.

Jessie J - Nobodies Perfect
'Nobodies Perfect' does use most typical conventions of a music video. This video has a narrative, however some viewers may find it hard to understand. This could be due to the different settings used and the fast paced editing. It also starts with dialogue, which doesn't have reference to the song. The video is defiantly cut to the beat - as i said before the editing is very fast so we see many different things quickly, so we don't have long enough to understand what is fully happening. At the beginning there is a medium shot held for 6seconds, this shot helps us to establish the 'setting' of the video, which isn't a typical convention. At 1.37minutes the song is interrupted by clocks making a noise, it follows the mise-en-scene; however this doesn't usually happen during a video. Lip syncing is used throughout the video, as performance and narrative are both used at the same time- something else most videos do not follow. During the performance parts, she looks directly into the camera, which makes the audience feel more connected, a typical convention. Lastly, the video us 4.13minutes which is the typical length for a music video.