Thursday 29 September 2011

Counted shots

The pop video I chose to count how many shots there were was the song 'Lightning' by The Wanted, this song is a very typical pop song and fits under that music genre. The song is 3.46minutes long and in total has around just under 200 different shots throughout the whole music video. The song is very fast paced and upbeat and therefore the large amount of shots used is a reasonable number as if there were say around 100 shots the audience would be likely to get bored as the video isn't as fast paced as the song.

There were many different shots used during the video such as tracking shots, medium, close up, long and extreme close ups - the variety of shots helped the audience keep pa e with the song. They also added affect to the narrative as th narrative seemed to be about living life and enjoying it, therefore the variety of shots added excitement, which worked with the beat of the song. The audience would remain entertained as there would always be something new to look at within seconds.