Sunday 18 September 2011

The Pitch

Evie: In our pitch we were the second group, we planned to just talk about our ideas for our music video instead of doing an actual powerpoint presentation, this would help us cos then otherwise we would of been reading from the board which would not be as interesting, also this would help to put our ideas across and elaborate on them aswell.
In the pitch, Stephanie told all the basic information and facts for example the artist, the song, and the record label, Bijal explained our ideas of what we would like to be in the music video, I explained the audience we were aiming it at and also the mood and atmosphere we would like to create and Louise explained the mise en scene elements for example the costume n settings.
We feel that the pitch went well, however we should of made it a little bit longer and gone in to depth about the exact settings we were planning on using and also could have included more information for example the songs we could of chosen instead, however we went straight in to pitching our idea and didnt use any basic information.
The audience asked us a few questions for example they asked us on how we planned on getting our location we are planning which is a theatre and if we had any back up in which we had an answer already prepared as we had already researched and thought about where we would do it or where we would do it if we couldnt get a theatre. Also the audience made us think about how by just using performance in the song would make it still exciting in which case we realised the editing needs to be fast and cut to the beat of the song, which luckily it is a very fast song so that the audience don't lose focus and that they dont get bored easily.
This pitch was very helpful to us as it gave us a chance to overlook our ideas as a whole and we were happy with the response we got off of the audience as they seem to have liked the idea which is good as they would be the target audience for the music video.

Louise: Our group was the second one up to show our ideas for our music video. Firstly we played the song to the audience, their reactions seems quite good. We then explained the idea behind the real song and then our interpretation of the song.stephanie introduced the music label and the group who performed the song, evie explained the atmosphere and target audience, bijal explained the idea and i expained costume and setting. The audience liked the idea of an upbeat video. They asked questions about casting, locations, costume and the overall idea behind the movie which fortunatly we had already planned in preperation for the pitch. The pitch made us realise that we need to develop our ideas in more detail.

Stephanie: When presenting the pitch our group was second to show our ideas. To start with we played the song to the audience and they seemed to enjoy the song; this could be because the target audience is aimed at your age (17-18years old). I then introduced the song, who performed it and their music label. Evie went on to explain the atmosphere and mood we wanted our video to create – this being a fin energetic video and what our target audience is. Bijal explained our ideas for the video and Louise described the props, setting and costumes we want to use. The audience then asked questions, mostly on casting, locations, costumes and overall idea of our video. As we had already researched most of these things it wasn’t to hard answering the questions and our feedback seemed to be positive – the audience liked the idea of our video. We felt our pitch went well however it helped us to realise that we need to develop our ideas deeper so we know exactly what is going to happen.

Bijal: we had to pitch our idea to the group in order to show them our idea. We started by playing the song on its own to the group, allowed them to know the song, and everyone seemed to enjoy the song, our target audience was young adults aged around 18-24 therefore this group fit in the target demographic. Stephanie introduced the song to the audience, and the record label, Evie then explained the atmosphere and mood that we wanted to create in our video. This is important to fit the genre of the song, which was pop, so we wanted the video to be energetic and fun. I then went on to explain the ideas we had for the video, regarding the narrative and performance and lip syncing, this allowed the group to have a general idea of our music video in their head. Louise then described the props, setting and costumes we intended to use, this is also important to fit to the genre. The group were then allowed to ask question and give us their ideas and feedback in relation to our pitch. We were mainly asked questions regarding casting, locations and the overall idea for our video. We were all confident with the ideas that we had for our music video therefore it wasn't hard to reply to the group, and in the end everyone seemed to like our main ideas for the video. I believe the pitch was successful and it helped us realise where we could develop our ideas.