Wednesday 12 October 2011

Cast - The 'Celebrities'

In a part of our music video we have a very where we are having celebrity impersonators to add to the humour and also to add to the narrative. So therefore, we would need to find outfits for these celebrities, so they are easily recognisable. We first decided on the celebrities;

Britney Spears - For our impersonator we would get them to wear the stereotypical school girl outfit that Britney Spears wore in her music video for 'Hit me baby one more time' This is so that they are recognisable as it is a famous outfit that Britney Spears wore.

Gerri Halliwell - As seen in the picture we will dress the impersonator in an union jack flag dress as this is one of the iconic dresses she wore.

Justin Bieber - Justin Bieber has become very popular over the past two years and he has the stereotypical swept hair look so if we get a character with long hair they can do the 'Justin Bieber' hairstyle.

Lady Gaga - is known for her outrageous outfits, we will be able to portray this well if we make up our own outrageous outfits, and get someone with blonde hair to do the part.

Marilyn Monroe - is an icon, and is a very regonisable face, her stereotypical outfit is the polka dot dress and the tight curls, which we would be able to do.

Michael Jackson - has his own unique style, and many people remember Michael Jackson as having black trousers and white socks and we will be able to put a pair of black sunglasses on the eyes. 

Miley Cyrus - is a very famous disney character, we would be able to dress the 'impersonator' in teenage clothes, but also bright colours to represent youth.