Wednesday 12 October 2011

Evie's Contribution

Throughout the whole planning of the music video, I have contributed by inputting my ideas and what I think the idea behind the music video should be. Also I have helped to develop the storyboards and coming up with additional shots so that we do not have to repeat some shots as that will make the music video look unprofessional. I also contributed to the scene breakdown sheets, with writing down the props, the setting, and the shots we needed for each scene. We have 4 scenes throughout our music video so this was simple, and as soon as we divided up where every shot would be located it made everything look simpler and help organise us as we could decide a day on where we could film each scene. I have looked at a range of music videos, both past and present and it has made it clear to me that we have to be well organised and well planned so that we don't end up forgetting to do any shots, and also we want to make sure we include as many music video conventions as we can so that it will look like a professional music video.