Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Groups Contribution

As a whole, our group has worked together very efficiently, we have used our time well as we have prepared everything so that we are ready to film as soon as we can. We have worked together on quite a few of the tasks so that we can input all of our ideas together. We all focused on the shot list so that we can make sure we get a variety of shots in to our music video, we also all decided on the idea behind the music video and decided as a group that we wanted barely any narrative and mainly performance. Also, as a group we focused on costumes, this is because we could each come up with different ideas as we each had different views on how to dress our characters so then we can mix all the costumes together. Also, as a group we went out to get as many props as we can and each paid the same amount, this is so that it wouldnt be down to one person to get all the props, and so it worked out fairly. Lastly, once we had finished making our storyboard we filmed our anamatic storyboard together as it took a long time so we thought we can help eachother. Overall, as a group we have worked very well together, and we have used time outside of class aswell so that we can make sure we are fully prepared.