Friday 9 December 2011

Evaluation Activity 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
The combination of our main product and ancillary tasks are very effective - this is because they both compliment each other very well. They all follow the same themes throughout, whether this is colour, or characters, you can see that they are all connected in some way.
They connect with each other as images from the main product are used in the ancillary task, for example the image on the front of our digi-pack is of the main character who is seen throughout our main product, strongly combining the main product and the ancillary task. The back of the digi-pak shows an image of the rolling stones logo, not only does this relate to Mick Jagger, but we also made a backdrop of this for our main product and this image is shown frequently within the music video. The inside left of the digi-pak is also of our main character, and the in side right shows a combination of the peace signs we used as backdrops in our music video. 
The magazine advert, also used our main character to connect the ancillary task to the main product. On the advert it shows a small picture of the digi-pak as a form of promotion. 
This screenshot from the final music video, shows how the music video and ancillary task are connected, the rolling stones flag is shown in the background and then again used in the CD Digi-pak. The colour themes of red, black and white are also shown in this screenshot connecting the three products together.
The screenshot shows our main character in the music video, we also used his face in both our magazine advert and our CD Digi-pak instantly combining the three products together. By using his face in all three it creates a recognisable image for the audience as they can see his face in three product and connect them together.