Friday 9 December 2011

final day of filming

For the final day of filming Me Bijal and Stephanie went up the covent garden with the main character and the dancers to film the ending sequence. We used a back street to film in as it would suit the style of the video, The reason we picked london is because Mick Jagger was from london so we wanted to create links to our music video even if they are minor ones. Some problems that occurred was that it was quite a windy day so the camera kept shaking due to the wind. Also the actors found it very cold at times so were not fully focused to perform but they still did very well. Stephanie and Bijal were performing where as i did all the camera work as i had planned all the shots the night before so i had an idea of the outcome that was needed. Another problem was the public; we didn't anticipate that the street would be so busy so we had to keep stopping or re-filming because people would keep walking past. Another reason we thought covent garden would be good is because of all the street performers, we wanted to feature them in out video as the main character is a performer himself & we wanted shots of him performing and singing with the street performer. Over all it took about 3-4 hours to complete all the filming and we ended up with very good humorous shots, were all very happy with the footage we got.