Friday 9 December 2011

Last Week Of Editing

As we had some problems at the start with losing footage and having to re-film parts we had to rush the last week as we had a lot of editing to do and so little time. I spend most of my lunch times, free periods and after school editing. As our film was so fast paced we had  a lot of shot fast shots to edit together to make the video work and fit the genre and style of music. We shot so much footage, it was hard to select shots to go into the song so in the end each shot lasted a max of 3 seconds and we normally shot about 10 seconds for each shot. when fitting the shots together parts kept moving around and jumbling up so the lip-syncing was out of time. Unfortunately we didn't completely fit all the lip-syncing in time for the audience feedback so when we showed the video it was slightly out of time and we knew that the audience would comment on this fault. But overall we all really liked the shots we had and the way it was edited. There are a few shots that we would change where they have been held for to long and we would also make the narrative a lot clearer. but all the performance parts are very entertaining and look very effective.