Monday 12 December 2011

Weekly Log : Friday 9th Dec

During fridays lessons Bijal, Stephanie and I finished off task 1 and 2 and also task. We then filmed ourself evaluating the feedback we received from our class mates. It took a few attempts as we kept messing up the script but we eventually managed to complete it. Unfortunately Evie couldn't attend the lesson as she is ill, but she wrote out her own evaluation of the audience feedback. We've planned for mondays lesson to completely finish evaluation task 4 and then we will have completely finished all the evaluation tasks.


At the beginning of the lesson we looked over the magazine adverts, Bijal suggested that we add the small image of the front of the CD cover to the corner like in the other advert to help advertise. When i first added it I thought it look crowded at the bottom so I moved the star ratings a little bit higher. 
This is the final advert we have decided to use:

Whilst I was doing this Bijal carried on with Task 1 and Louise carried on with Task 3, Bijal then finished what I had started on Task 2. Once we were all finished we had to film ourselves for the second part of task 3 - we had to talk about what we found out, how far we agree and what we would change. Before we started this we thought we should write a script so we didn't get confused on what the other members of the group had said or forgotten to mention anything. It didn't take to long to finish this off, so we uploaded it to youtube and then onto our blog. Now these tasks have been done we just have to start and finish Evaluation Task 4.

In today's lesson we were trying to complete all the evaluation tasks before the deadline which was monday. I focused on finishing evaluation 1, and evaluation 2 while Stephanie worked on finalising everything needed for the ancillary task and Louise worked on completing evaluation 3. By working on things separately it made sure that we got more done as a group as we have a deadline to meet. Once again, we all put input on all the of group tasks to make sure that it was a group effort. Even though Evie is unfortunately unable to attend school, she made sure that she communicated her ideas into the group work.