Friday 25 November 2011


Today was the last day for us to finish editing our music video and finish our ancillary task as by Monday we need to show our class the video and get feedback in order to complete our evaluation tasks. 
However we still had a few shots to film of the brightly coloured lips this was fairly easy to quickly shoot. We simply went to our drama room and borrowed some powder paints. The reason for using paints is because we only have red and pink lipstick and we needed colours such as blue, green and orange and we also needed them to be vibrant - the use of powder paints would allow us to do this and it's only powder and water so it shouldn't cause any harm. I was the person that was being used as the lips while Stephanie made the paint colours and Louise and Stephanie then took turns to film it. While this was going on the clips that we shot on Thursday were being converted into iMovie HD so we could edit them when we got back.
Now we have all our clips that we need for the music, Louise and I are editing, while Stephanie and Evie focus on the ancillary task. 
I also took more pictures of our main character today in order for Stephanie to edit them and use them for our ancillary task, for the magazine advert, and possibly for our CD Digipak. However our main character didn't have his guitar so we used the backdrops that we made, but this still wasn't the image that we had in our minds for our magazine advert. Hopefully over the weekend we can take the pictures we want and edit them at home in time for monday's lesson to make sure all our coursework is complete to the deadline.