Monday 14 November 2011


As we had lost some of our opening footage we decided to edit the footage we filmed in the drama studio. Bijal had already uploaded the footage so we didn’t have to waste time waiting for it all to load, however we didn't know what was going to come next.
We didn't realise that the camera we used would have to be associated with iMovie, in the past we have used iMovie HD which is the programme we are more comfortable using. After telling Sir our worries, he helped us to convert the footage over to iMovie HD - this meant that our clips would no longer be separate; but one big chunk. This meant the clips had to be cut down manually. Louise did the main cutting of the video as one person could only really do it, but we all took a few turns and we eventually got to the end.

Once we had our separate shots, we noticed that we didn’t think about our framing properly, so a lot of images had people standing in the background. After talking about it we decided the best thing to do was just delete them as it would look unprofessional and doesn’t follow the conventions of a music video. Altogether we had around 13minutes of footage, but we had to delete around 6minutes of this due to our bad framing and camera shakes. After loosing the footage from day1 and noticing the mistakes from day2 we have realised that we need to really look into every detail and manage our time appropriately.