Tuesday 22 November 2011

Planning for Extra Filming

After editing the first bit of filming we had we realised that we didn't have enough lip syncing shots of the main character, so I planned every lip syncing shot we needed so the music video could have a variety of shots.

i recorded every space in the video that needed filling and and added in a valuable piece of filming to add to the continuity.

This strategy worked really well for us. we hired out our schools drama studio again and filmed the extra bits we needed. I also planned the whole christina section so each shot, type of shot, length of shot etc was all planned out so it was quick to run through and simple for all the cast to follow as they had guidelines to follow. It also helped the filming crew as we had a structure to follow, so unlike last time we got a lot of the filming done in a short space of time and all the shots were useful to our film. Because this process worked so well for us this time, I am going to plan out every shot for the covent garden sequence so when we film there we will have set shots to get so we wont waste time and camera battery getting useless shots.