Monday 14 November 2011

Beyonce's Digipak

This is Beyonce's 2005 album 'B'day' this follows most of the conventions of a traditional digipak. The conventions it includes is artist imagery, information about the artist, the tracklist on the CD, the artists name and album title on the front cover and the record label printed on to the CD. The artist imagery is shown on the inside sleeve of the cover, it shows four images of Beyonce so that straight away when people pick up the CD they can see that it is Beyonce's CD. The information on the artist is a lengthy paragraph so that people can relate and find out more about Beyonce and the album. The tracklist is on one of the CD's so this could also engage the audience if they already know and like a few of her songs. The artist name and album title on the front cover will capture the audiences attention. The artists name is in big writing so this will target the audience as they wont have to search for whose cd it is. However the front image of Beyonce is the main focus, capturing the audience and drawing their attention.