Monday 28 November 2011

Weekly Log - 26th & 27th November

Over the weekend I started to make the magazine music advertisment for our ancillary task. In previous lessons we decided what we would like it to look like, so i followed this guideline to produce the final images. As it wasn't the photograph we originally planned to use for the background, I had to experiment with the picture we did have. These were some of the final designs - they all follow the same main idea, just have different effects added to them.

This image matches all of our other ancillary tasks, as it follows the 'red' theme. I like this design mainly because it does match, but some of the writing is clear. 

This design is very bright, as the brightness and contrast was altered. I like how the colours burst out, but the writing is hard to read in some parts - especially the 'Moves Like Jagger'

This is design is very basic as not many effects has been added, I do like it, however it wouldn't stand out against other magazine adverts. One advantage of this is that all of the writing can be read easily.

This is one of my favourite designs as the colours aren't to vibrant, yet they will still stand out compared to other advertisments. I would prefer it if the guitar wasn't so big, and there was more of the body shown, however this was the only picture I had to work with. The only negative is that the writing can't be read properly.
   In class as a group, we will decide the final images that will be used for our ancillary task.