Tuesday 22 November 2011

Weekly Log - 22/11/11

This week has been very hectic as it was our last week to film ad edit all our music video, in order for it to be complete for Monday's lesson, so we can all receive audience feedback and start our evaluation tasks. 
The previous lesson as a group we realised the deadline we faced and with all our lost footage had to make quick arrangements so that we could complete all the coursework on time. Monday's lesson we split into two groups, editing and ancillary task. By doing this it made better use of our time as a group and allowed us to reach the deadline as a quicker pace.  
The footage for the opening of our music video was unfortunately lost due to the computers errors that occurred at school, however the location we filmed at were kind enough to allow us to quickly run over there and re-film our opening sections. This was done and uploaded by Monday, and we then made a strict plan to follow to film and edit all our footage needed for the week.

Bijal, Evie, Louise - film opening and upload opening
Stephanie - ancillary task

Bijal, Evie, Louise - film lip syncing and extra close ups
Bijal - ancillary task
Louise, Evie - upload footage
Bijal, Stephanie - edit footage shot

Stephanie, Bijal, Louise - film final outdoor scenes needed

Evie, Louise - finish all editing on video
Bijal, Stephanie - finish and complete ancillary task

By sticking to this strict schedule it should allow the group as a whole to make the best of our time and meet our deadline.
Today we filmed the lip syncing and close ups, we did this once again in our school's drama studio, they were more than happy to help us out and Louise made a plan for us to follow which made the whole process much simpler and easier. We got through everything we needed to do in very little time and this was mainly down to the fact that we had a plan to follow. Overall it was a very productive filming session and hopefully we can stick to our plans in order to complete our music video effectively and on time.