Monday 14 November 2011

Editing Day One

We started our editing the monday after filming the backdrop scene. Bijal previously uploaded the footage so that we could straight away start with the editing, however with the camera we were using we had to edit in iMovie where we didn't feel as comfortable as we did with iMovie HD, however, we were able to convert the format so that we could edit in iMovie HD. As we had 13 minutes of footage we had to wait for a while for it to convert. Once it was converted it was all in one long shot so we had to split the shots up and then get rid of the shots that we didn't need. In some of the shots we had people standing in the background so straight away we got rid of these shots. Splitting up this 13 minute clip took ages as we had to figure out and cut the shot extremely accurately so that we didn't miss any important clips out and get rid of it accidently. As our song is extremely fast paced we need to have loads of shots so we are aiming to get quick shots so we had to edit very carefully as these shots can be useful. Overall, it took 1 hour to edit 3 minutes worth of footage, so it will be a long process, however we want to make sure it is perfect and that nothing else goes wrong so we will put the time and effort in to make sure the editing is up to standard.