Friday 18 November 2011

Weekly Log 18th November

In todays lesson the group split up in two, we decided this would be more beneficial as we had already lost enough time. As some of the computers weren't working again Evie and Louise carried on with the editing, whilst me and Bijal carried on with the ancillary tasks. We started to edit our magazine advert on Photoshop, as we didn't have the background pictures that we needed we started adding the font; leaving us with the skeleton design.

As Stephanie explained, the group thought we should split the tasks to use our time more wisely. As Evie and Louise were editing we needed to get them the live clips of Mick Jagger that we wanted off of youtube. We also needed to get in contact with the local theatre so see when we could film there again. I decided to go and call them whilst Stephanie looked for some clips of Mick Jagger and converted them to be suitable to use on iMovie HD.