Thursday 24 November 2011

Ancillary Task - Development

For our CD digipak, the main part is the front cover as it attracts the audience, as a group we all had different ideas as to how we wanted the cover to look. Eventually we choose the idea of our main character's face covered in lipstick kisses. During filming on the 22/11/11, I took the pictures we needed for our front cover and the inside left. These were pretty simple to take and didn't take up too much time, it was also a good spot to take the pictures as the drama studio has black walls and curtains which we needed for the background of the cover anyway. 

The images for the inside left turned out expected it to be, unfortunately, the images for the front cover didn't turn out as we hoped they would look. But Stephanie used photoshop to make several different variations of the image on the front cover. All her ideas were very good, and looked much better than the original idea we had, however they didn't really fit the genre of music that this band represents, therefore it was back to stage one to plan different ideas for our front cover.