Friday 25 November 2011

Weekly Log - 25th November

Today was the last chance for us to finish editing and making our ancillary tasks before having to show them on Monday for some audience feedback. We decided to go in at lunch time because we thought we could do with the extra time, so we went to upload and edit some more footage. Louise started editing, so me, Bijal and Evie went to take a few pictures with our main character and some of our backdrops for our ancillary tasks. We still needed to film a few shots of brightly coloured lips for our opening, but this was very easy to do. As we only had red and pink lipstick we went to our art department and borrowed some powder paint as we needed colours such as green, orange and blue. We used powder paint because we could get them as vibrant as we wanted - they also wouldn't course any hard as it was just powder and water. We were using Bijal's lips so I went to make the colours whilst Bijal set up the camera. Once it was all set, I filmed a few of the shots and Louise later came and joined so she filmed a couple too. After all of this was finished we had to wait for it to be converted to iMovie HD - once done Louise and Bijal started editing, whilst me and Evie focused on the ancillary tasks. We drew out a plan of what we wanted for the magazine advert, so once I got home I would have a guideline to follow. As our main character didn't have his guitar, it was hard to visualise what we orininally saw for the advert - we decided to take some more pictures over the weekend so I could edit them before Mondays lesson.