Thursday 17 November 2011

Conventions of a Magazine Music Advert

There are a variety of conventions used on a magazine advert. These creators have to be careful as they want it to relate in some way to the album they are releasing. The conventions a magazine advert include:

  • A photograph of the artist -  this should in some way be similar to the photograph on the front cover of the album, so this shows that this is the same album. They could be similar through the mise-en-scene aspects such as the setting, costume, props etc. 
  • The name of the album -  so that if the audience would like to find out information on the album on the internet then they would know what album name to look up. 
  • The name of the artist - this is so it is instantly recognisable to the audience so that they don't just have the picture of the artist as the audience may not recognise them in the picture. 
  • Date of release - This is essential so that the target audience will know when to download it, if they didnt know when to download it then they may have problem trying to find the date, this will increase sales on the actual day which may influence the sales of the week when the album will chart. 
  • Ratings - this is essential however, most magazine adverts have ratings from businesses such as Newspapers which will help sell the album. 
  • Colour scheme to match album - This is very closely linked to the photograph idea of relating the album photo and magazine photo together, this is the same as the colour scheme, so again it is all closely related, it will also be a good idea to keep to one font for both the album and the magazine. 
  • Record company name or logo - This is a good idea to have the company name or logo on the advertisement as this may influence the audience to go and look at other artists who come from this record company.