Friday 25 November 2011

Filming - 24th November

This was our last week of filming so we had to get as much done as possible, the final scenes we needed were our Covent Garden clips. As we didn't have enough time to do all of the Southbank scenes we cut them out and did more in Covent Garnden. Evie wasn't able to attend due to other commitments, but we managed to get it planned and finished. After walking around for a while we found a good setting -we started filming parts ina side alley way, Louise was filming and me and Bijal were apart of the video. We had a few more characters in our video as well as the main two, so we kept the styling the same so the consistancy flowed through our video. In our previous lesson, Louise planned out exactly what we needed to shoot, for every line so we knew exactly what we needed to do without wasting any time. After all of the alley way shots we're finished we moved into the main centre square of Covent Garden so we could film the final pieces. Thanks to Louise writing it all down, we managed to do this very quickly and efficently, with time to spare before it started to get dark outside - this being a worry of ours.