Monday 28 November 2011

28th November - Audience Feedback

In today's lesson everybody showed their music videos so we could complete our audience feedback task. We talked a little about our videos before we played them, as Mr Sears asked a few questions, and then we showed them to the rest of the class - they then gave us some feedback. Our feedback was given in three separate categories: strengths, developments/improvements and how it is recognisable as a music video/conventions.

Our group was second to show our music video. The first category the class gave us feedback on was ‘strengths’ – we had a big range of features that people commented on. Our opening received a lot of good comments, as they liked the first few opening shots of the character, this was because it gave a big build up to the start of the song. The class liked the lips whistling to the music at the beginning as well, as they said it was unique and many of them hadn't seen this before.We were told that our settings were very good, especially the Covent Garden scenes - they liked that we had normal people walking around in the background, compared to actual cast; nevertheless everybody seemed to like the drama studio setting, as it had good lighting and created a fun atmosphere. Our casting received good comments, as they thought we picked it very well and that they all had a lot of enthusiasm whilst filming. Editing and framing was also a positive, Mr Sears said he really liked the group shots of the guitarist with all of the girls surrounding him, as it really went with the theme of the song - the pace of the shots was also good as we cut the images to the beat of the song.

Improvements are something that we really listened to, as we would like to improve our work as best as we can. One of the main improvements that kept coming up was lip syncing, this was because in certain places some of the actors weren't in time with the music. As a group we agreed with these comments, from lunch time and in Friday's lesson we added in the last final shots, which put a lot of the lip syncing out of place - after 5 hours of editing, we decided that it was time to go home and try and sort it out on Monday before showing the class. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to fix all of it, so some parts especially the sections with our lead female singer wasn't in sync - luckily after the audience feedback was finished, we made a few slight changes and got all of the lip syncing back in time. Although the class liked our introduction, some thought that it dragged on for a little to long and was silent for quite a long time - after thinking about it, we realised we could have maybe sped these clips up, but we still liked the original idea. One other point that was brought up from a member of the class was that they didn't understand the narrative - she went on to explain the bits she didn't understand. This was the scenes where 'Mick Jagger' is being chased and caught by the group of girls, this was our fault as we didn't plan this part carefully enough, as it should have been closer to the beginning.

Conventions were the last part to be given feedback on. The class all agreed that our music video followed most conventions, this includes having a performance and narrative, lip syncing and our editing - cutting the clips to the beat of the song.

Overall, the class seemed to like our video as it was comical and light hearted - our strenghts definatley outweighted our improvments which is a big positive. We took note on our improvments as we all want to make sure our work is at it's best.

For the rest of the lesson the class was separated into groups - we had to interview and film eachother, telling the other groups what we thought. As Bijal wasn't in, Louise went to film other groups to recieve feedback for our video whilst me and Evie went to be interviewed by other groups so we could give them feedback on their own videos. We then uploaded our footage onto the computer so we could edit it together, ready to be put onto our blog.