Tuesday 8 November 2011

Second Day Of Filming

For our second day of filming we had booked in the drama studio in our school. We had booked this in 3 weeks before so it was definite that we would be able to film in there. We wanted to be able to start filming as soon as possible so in our lunch time we went to the drama studio and we worked out how we will put up our backdrop. We worked out that it would be best to pin the backdrops on to the curtain. Once this was done, we rang our cast, however due to some of our cast being unable to make it, we had to quickly ring round and see who would be able to dance. While everyone was preparing to film me and Louise went to go and pick up Christian's guitar as this would add to the 'rock' effect.
Louise then dropped me off at my house and I raided my wardrobe to get as many clothes I could that would relate to the music video. I also remembered that we needed a microphone so I grabbed that and then went to pick up my friend who said would be in our music video.
When we got to school we all changed and done our makeup and hair and was finally prepared to film!

The filming went quite smoothly, we all took turns in filming even though three of us were also dancers in the video we all had a share. My input involved me putting the camera at another angle so that we could create more variety in the shots and that all the shots werent just 'face-on.' During the filming, we recognised that one of the cast, Jess, had American flag converse on, this was not planned however fitted with the theme perfectly! We decided to use these shoes in a shot of their own, however the shot I wanted to capture showed the shadow of the camera, however we finally found a shot that could work effectively.

After 2 hours of filming we decided that we had more than enough shots and we all got ready while Bijal went to upload the footage. Once all ready, we went in to the media suite and saw some of our work, we were very impressed with it and felt we had a very productive day.