Friday 25 November 2011

Weekly Log - 25/11/11

This was our last week of filming and editing and we still had a long way to go. We needed to re film the start of the music video due to the fact that the footage was lost. We also needed to re film part of the lipsyncing as it wasn't in time with the music so we needed to go back in to the drama room and also we needed to film the Covent Garden scenes. We decided to cut out the Southbank scene as we didnt have enough time to film this part, also we could include these shots in the Covent Garden scene.

On Monday, we carried on with the ancillary tasks and the editing of the drama studio the first time -this worked well as we split in to two groups so we can use our time more effectively.
However, we also worked out that during the week due to other filming commitments we wouldnt be able to re film the start of the music video so we had to film it that day. We rang up Redbridge drama centre and found that we could only use it till 1 o clock so at 11:30 we rushed down there and got the filming done. This worked well however we were quite rushed so it didnt work out as good as it had previously. At lunch time me and Bijal uploaded the footage however we were unable to start editing due to the fact that converting the file to iMovie HD would take 30 minutes and there was another class waiting to come in.

On Tuesday, at lunch time me and Louise started to edit and we cut down the shots and put them in place, this was quick to do as it was only a few shots and even though that all the shots got moved down slightly we remembered where they were placed.
On Tuesday after school, Me, Louise and Bijal filmed the lipsyncing in the drama room and also the Christina Aguilera shots, we had a few people helping us out which was good, however the main people we needed was Mick Jagger and Christina Aguilera. We re-filmed the shots that went a bit dodgy the first time round so that they would be more effective in the video. I starred in the film however I also filmed shots and decided the angle they would be placed at; this worked well however it was very stressful.

On Wednesday, me and Louise came in to upload the footage previously shot, again this took a while to convert so we were unable to get much editing done. However, Bijal and Stephanie were coming in in the afternoon to carry on editing.

On Thursday, as Bijal, Stephanie and Louise all had a free day the plan for them was to go filming in Covent Garden, I however couldn't attend as I had work commitments that I was unable to get out off. However, this was the only day that most of us could do so they had to go without me.

On Friday, we came in at lunch to upload the footage and also take more pictures for the ancillary task. Louise carried on with the editing as she had a plan of where everything was meant to go, while the three of us took pictures. During period 3 we waited for the rest of the footage to convert so that we could continue editing. In total, we edited for 5 hours that day and then finally we had finished the music video!


 This is where we were waiting for the project to export so we could start to edit in iMovie HD.

This is the paper copies of some of our ideas for the digipaks. 
 This is our main character dressed in his costume

 This is a paper copy of the idea of the magazine advert that I drew up to get a rough idea of the information we wanted to include.