Monday 14 November 2011


Unfortunately when we did our filming a lot of shots were not thought about thoroughly as a lot of images had people standing in the background so when it came to editing we had to get rid of all these shots as it didn't follow the conventions of our music video. Luckily we enough good shots to use for our video. We had about 13 minutes of filming all together but we had to get rid of about 5-6 minutes due to camera shake or people/ objects being out of place. Everyone in the group had a turn at cutting the images and we all had our say to what we thought would work and what wouldn't. As our lesson time is limited we only managed to go through and cut half of the sequence and did the rest in our own time, showing that editing is a long process and for the next bit of filming we need to talk more time and analyse exactly what is in the picture and remove anything else so we don't waste lots of footage again.